

Friday 14 March 2008

My story!

Life is a journey, we don't know where our paths will take us and we never know what's planned for us! If I had to describe myself in three words, I would probably say that I was.... romantic, emotional and genuine! Others may add dramatic to that and they would probably be right! Ha ha.

I'm going to go back to the end of April 2007 and I'm hoping to find the process cathartic.

I remember waking up on a bright Saturday morning after an uncomfortable nights sleep. For a while I'd been having a pain on the left side of my chest wall but complaining that we needed a new bed or it was the way I was sleeping. However, that morning as i looked in the mirror I noticed a large lump on my ribs! I mentioned it to my partner and we were both puzzled about it. How can a lump just appear overnight??

The following Monday I very lightheartedly went to see my GP who suggested an untrasound at our local hospital. At this time I wasn't concerned. Three days later I recieved a call from the surgery asking me to go in for a 'chat'. My GP suggested a referral to a 'specialist' where I could have some routine tests which would find out what the problem could be. However, he did confirm that I had a mass that shouldn't be there!

Within a few days my letter arrived. I had to go to the ONCOLOGY dept on the 1st May! Then it all started......


NuttyGal said...

ok, ya making me cry xxxxx

Jean said...

I can so identify with you